Not sure what to wear to your next 1970's/Disco theamed party? if you weren't around back then or
you just don't remember, here is a list the most popular choices and what to wear with them.
1. Jumpsuits! wear with platform shoes or sandles, chain jewlery and belts, hoop earings. fluffy
Ferrah hair, afro, scarf or head band. If wearing hot-pants, go with boots and tights or fishnets.

2. Mini dress, usullay worn with white boots but can be worn
with platform sandles or flat ballet shoes, tights or fishnets in white or bright colors, large plastic jewlery, earings,
bangles. headband or scarf in hair, beehive, flip, afro or ponytail styles.
3. Disco Dress, almost always polyester, skirts cover the
knees, wear with platform shoes or sandles, nude nylons, gold hoop earing and gold chain jewlery, fluffy hair or afro, more
natural makeup, still heavier on the eyes for evening. this look is very 'Saturday Night Fever' late 1970's look

4. 3pc Suits for guys, very John Travolta, suits are worn
tight with shirts tucked in, wear with a few gold chain necklaces, and platform shoes.
5. Mens bellbottom pants worn with polyester shirts in wierd
prints and colors, the uglier the better! also western shirts.

